"Low-Cost Image Collection and Compilation for Enhanced In-Situ Monitor" by Brett Eugene Brady

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

Bradly H. Jared

Committee Members

Sudarsanam Babu, Subhadeep Chakraborty


Laser-Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing relies on precise control for quality assurance and reproducibility, necessitating advanced in-situ monitoring techniques. Presented is a novel low-cost approach to image collection and compilation to enable in-situ monitoring in L-PBF in ways not performed to date, i.e., at a lower cost. The research incorporates optical, near-infrared (NIR), and infrared (IR) imaging modalities to record and, in the future, analyze and detect defects during the L-PBF process. Off-axis cameras with different spectral sensitivities complicates the comparison of images due to differing image planes. A low-cost, calibration plate is used to create common image planes through perspective transforms that allows the overlay of images from differing cameras and camera orientations, a prerequisite to achieving defect detection. This calibration plate uses two materials with differing emissivity to allow calibration across differing modalities. This approach results in a maximum image error of only 1 mm. Data is collected using a custom, Python-based recording script, optimized for real-time monitoring and storage using the HDF5 file format. The findings suggest that this low-cost solution can be effectively implemented, providing the base work for future work in defect detection.

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