"3D-Magnetometer Arrays in Physics Experiments" by Shaun G. Vavra

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Steve Johnston

Committee Members

Yuri Kamyshkov, Lawrence Heilbronn H, Breinig Marianne


This study presents the design and experimental evaluation of a magnetometer array utilizing LIS3MDL chips integrated with an Arduino microcontroller. Magnetometer arrays find crucial applications in various fields, including physics research, geophysics, and navigation systems. The goal of this research is to create an affordable and versatile magnetometer array for scientific investigations and practical applications. The paper begins by outlining the hardware and software components of the array. The LIS3MDL chips, known for their high sensitivity and low power consumption, are employed as the core sensing elements. The Arduino microcontroller is utilized for data acquisition and processing. The integration of these components is discussed in detail, along with the calibration procedure to ensure accurate magnetic field measurements. The experimental methodology is described, including the setup for testing in controlled environments and real-world scenarios. The array’s performance is assessed through various experiments, such as mapping magnetic fields, detecting anomalies, and monitoring changes in magnetic fields over time. Preliminary results demonstrate the array’s ability to capture magnetic field data with high precision and reliability. In conclusion, the presented magnetometer array, based on LIS3MDL chips and Arduino microcontrollers, exhibits promising capabilities for magnetic field measurements. This research offers a foundation for further exploration and utilization of the array in various scientific and practical applications.

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