"Trauma in Elena Ferrante's Troubling Love" by Maria Luiza Pereira Juzinskas

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Alisa Schoenbach

Committee Members

Benjamin Lee, Mary Papke


Elena Ferrante's novel Troubling Love intertwines a narrative tapestry that explores the complexities of trauma and its enduring impact on individuals. This thesis examines the multifaceted manifestations of trauma within the novel, delving into the interplay between memory, identity, and silence. Through close textual analysis, this paper illuminates how Ferrante employs narrative techniques and character dynamics to depict the profound and often unsettling effects of trauma on both individual and collective levels. Drawing on literary and psychological trauma theory, this research investigates how Ferrante's portrayal of trauma challenges conventional narratives and unveils the complexity of trauma. By engaging with themes of violence, motherhood, and self-discovery, this thesis offers an understanding of trauma as a pervasive force that shapes the lives of the characters. Ultimately, this study contributes to the ongoing discourse on trauma literature and highlights the enduring relevance of Ferrante's work in exploring the complexities of traumatic human experiences.

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