Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Benjamin F. Lee

Committee Members

Hillary Havens, Stan Garner


This essay relies on archival evidence and first-person accounts to study the development of creative writing pedagogy at black mountain college. Early accounts of creative writing at Black Mountain College reveal that it was initially an extracurricular activity driven by student interest, but over time, creative writing became a central part of the curriculum, aligning with the broader philosophies of art education at the college. I examine the pedagogical practices of key figures like Richards, Olson, and Wunsch alongside the progressive educational ideals that underpinned Black Mountain College's approach to learning, drawing on the philosophies of thinkers like Porter Sargent and John Dewey. The emphasis on critical thinking, community welfare, and the rejection of traditional educational practices in favor of experimental observation and reasoning shaped the approach to creative writing at Black Mountain College.

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