Masters Theses

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Kirsten A. Gonzalez

Committee Members

Dawn M. Szymanski, Joseph R. Miles


Health disparities in gynecological and reproductive healthcare persist as a critical concern for the transgender and nonbinary (TNB) community. There is a significant dearth of education and training for healthcare providers regarding TNB gynecological and reproductive healthcare needs, which negatively impacts quality of healthcare and patient experiences. Thus, gynecological and reproductive healthcare is often experienced as inaccessible, poorly informed, and stigmatizing for TNB communities. This qualitative study aimed to identify and share self-reported TNB-affirming interpersonal and environmental factors within gynecological and reproductive healthcare settings as informed by the transmasculine community. Data were collected through online qualitative surveys, and thematic analysis was utilized to identify common themes amongst participant responses. Four main themes depicted affirming TNB interpersonal and environmental factors: (1) Whole Person Provider and Staff Approach and Practice, (2) Proactive Inquiry, (3) TNB Representation, and (4) Transgender Inclusive Care. The results of this study provide critical insight on strategies and tangible suggestions to improve healthcare experiences for transmasculine individuals, and thus, contribute to efforts to promote accessibility and health equity for the transmasculine TNB community.

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