Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

D.B. Koch

Committee Members

B.W. Bomar, H.P. Neff


This thesis presents the design, development, and implementation of real-time beamformers for passive sonar applications requiring the production of a single beam. An efficient interpolation beamforming algorithm based on the polyphase filter structure is developed, and the adaptation of this algorithm for a near-field application is presented. The architecture of a real-time beamforming system based on the polyphase filter structure is discussed. Real-time processing concepts such as multiple data buffers, pipeline processing, and overlap-save processing are emphasized.

In addition, the thesis discusses circular convolution effects that occur when the delay property of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is used to achieve fractional sample delays in a frequency domain beamformer. The concept of integer and fractional sample delays developed for the polyphase filter algorithm is applied to the frequency domain to eliminate the effects of circular convolution. The implementation of an FFT beamformer based on this concept is presented. Special emphasis is placed on the use of windowed delay filters for fractional sample generation and a set of prestored basis vectors for integer delay generation.

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