Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Bruce J. MacLennan

Committee Members

Nash, Vander Zanden


This thesis presents the engineering decisions made in porting Computer Assisted Hypnosis Scale, a HyperCard script language program on a Macintosh computer, to the Windows 3.1 operating system. Minimum system requirements are presented which an IBM compatible computer must have to execute this program. A method of displaying text and graphic objects was developed which allowed their size and screen location to be independent of screen resolution. An audible distortion, resulting from the conversion of the 215 Macintosh sound files to a format acceptable to Windows, was removed from each file. The cause of an audible distortion, added during playback by the sound board, was identified and eliminated. A means of augmenting Windows message passing was developed for use in playing sound files. A graphical method of diagramming message passing and task execution was developed for use in converting the HyperCard scripts to Windows code and for debugging errors. Detailed error messages are included, describing the nature of the problem, as an aid to those administering this Windows program. Mouse button logic was developed to allow selections at any time with either button. A password enabled feature will allow input data and calculated values to be displayed. Several recommendations are made for future case studies.

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