Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

B. Eugene Wofford

Committee Members

David K. Smith, E.E.C. Clebsh


A vascular plant inventory of the North White Oak Creek watershed, Scott and Fentress counties, Tennessee was conducted between March and October of 1992 and 1993. The 5,407 hectare study area is located within the political boundaries of the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area of north central Tennessee and south central Kentucky. Five hundred twenty six species and lesser taxa in 323 genera and 109 families were documented, representing approximately 19 percent of the total known flora of the state of Tennessee. Two hundred forty seven taxa were determined to be county records (TENN county dot maps, 1993). Fourteen taxa are listed as either endangered, threatened, or special concern in Tennessee (Tennessee Dept. of Environment and Conservation, 1993) and (or) Kentucky (Kentucky State Nature Preserve Commission, 1992).

An analysis of distribution trends revealed a strong influence of northern intraneous taxa in the flora. Plants endemic to the Appalachian Plateau and Blue Ridge Physiographic Provinces (sensu Fenneman, 1938) were also well represented.

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