Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Michelle Violanti

Committee Members

Michelle Violanti, Laura Miller, Emily Paskewitz


The purpose of this study is to observe the communication process of a newly appointed leader in a professional ballet company. Over the course of several scheduled research days, interactions with various stakeholders and one on one interviews with the new leader within the organization are observed and recorded. This study will provide insight on leadership and leadership change from the point of view of new leadership. This leadership exposure across the organization will provide better understanding to new leadership, finding leadership identity, employee commitment within the organization and how new leadership interacts in various situations and how he perceives himself within those situations. An overview of the literature will examine self-efficacy and leadership self-efficacy styles of leadership, organizational change, and communication during leadership change.

Key Words: Leadership change, styles of leadership, organizational communication in leadership change, self-efficacy, leadership self-efficacy.

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