Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Information Sciences

Major Professor

Devendra Potnis

Committee Members

Vandana Singh, Amy Alspaugh


The ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in the Dobbs V. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case has far-reaching consequences for maternity care in the United States. One of these consequences is limiting or eliminating access to maternity care, not just access to abortion. The news served as an essential source of information regarding the leaked opinion in the Dobbs case and continues to be vital in disseminating information regarding the effects of the decision.

This study took a qualitative approach through use of content analysis to examine how limited access to maternity care and maternity care deserts were depicted and framed by left- and right-leaning online news sources after the Dobbsopinion was leaked in May 2022. Findings revealed that left- and right-leaning news sources use similar frames when discussing MCD and limited access to care but slant them based on their political views and ideologies.

This research fills an existing gap in the body of research on media framing, specifically focusing on access to maternity care in the U.S. Findings from this study can be used to better understand the benefits and consequences frames may have on public awareness, opinion, and support or opposition. This information can aid in policy discourse to increase awareness and support for improving maternity care in the United States.

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