Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Resource Economics

Major Professor

Xuqi Y. Chen

Committee Members

Jacqueline Yenerall, Andrew Muhammad


Online grocery shopping has exploded in prevalence since the COVID-19 pandemic, and literature has come out about best practices for marketing generally to the population to incentivize additional usage and investigate the attitudes that consumers hold towards online grocery shopping. In this study, we focus on not just general marketing but targeted online marketing strategies that will support the goals of firms within the online grocery store sector, by completing a detailed clustering analysis, followed by regression analysis to determine how the segmentation of consumers affected their willingness to use online grocery stores in the past six months and their expenditures both online and in-person. By analyzing these, we deepen our understanding of the current barrier of online grocery shopping, provide insights into consumer behavior online, and provide reference information to retailers in their mission to better set up consumer target group and optimize their goals.

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