"Labor Trafficking on the Global Sporting Stage" by Luke A. Brice

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Derek H. Alderman

Committee Members

Tracey H. Norrell, Nikki N. Luke


The goal of major athletic events is to promote global harmony and goodwill. The host nation was able to showcase its national culture, identity, landscape, and other desired elements by drawing attention to itself from around the globe through these events. The honor of hosting the event is accompanied by heightened criticism of the nation's existing problems with social justice, politics, and the economy. Mega-sporting events have a natural geographic connection and adjust to the political, social, and economic environments of the areas they are held in, which in turn shapes the local character. These occurrences have the power to fundamentally alter space and have an impact on human rights. Although there is hope that mega-sporting events will positively transform the host country, oftentimes, they elevate existing social, political, and economic structures.

Three chapters of this study investigate the geographical relationship between mega-sporting events and people trafficking. Chapter 1 investigates human trafficking as a concept and how it connects to mega-sporting events. The chapter concludes with a literature review on labor trafficking and migratory workers, as well as a discussion of regional geography and how it affects human rights issues. Chapter 2 is a case study about Qatar's hosting of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. The World Cup, held every four years, draws global attention to the premier event in the most popular sport. With this popularity comes numerous sponsors, media attention, and unwavering national pride. However, the love of the game and the billions of spectators who attended the event did not keep the media from critiquing Qatar's history and ongoing human rights breaches. With what I uncover studying Qatar, chapter 3 will look ahead to Los Angeles and its preparations for the 2026 FIFA World Cup and the 2028 Summer Olympic Games.

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