"Leadership Journeys of Twelve Women in the Wine Industry: A Qualitativ" by Colleen Baker

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications

Major Professor

Carrie Stephens

Committee Members

Neal Eash, Shelli Rampold


Over the past five years, women's global leadership roles have increased to 42.7%, constituting 39.5% of the overall labor force. In the U.S., despite comprising 47% of the labor force, women hold 42% of leadership positions. Despite educational achievements, women remain underrepresented in leadership, notably in agriculture and the wine industry. This study addressed this gap by exploring gender dynamics in underrepresented wine regions—Oregon, South Africa, and Virginia. Employing a phenomenological approach, 12 participants were selected. Themes such as mentorship, community support, collaboration, gender barriers, pathways to position, and continuous participation emerged through coding, guided by the Social Learning Theory and Centered Leadership Model. The study unveiled six key themes: diverse backgrounds, gender barriers, mentorship, community support, teamwork, and continuous industry immersion.

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