Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Leon M. Tolbert

Committee Members

Hua “Kevin” Bai, Seddik M. Djouadi


Escalating demand for sustainable energy solutions necessitates the efficient utilization of energy storage systems (ESSs). This thesis explores the critical need for efficient energy storage systems in the face of increasing demand and intermittent renewable energy sources and addresses the need for advanced energy storage technologies, focusing on second life batteries as a potential solution. A literature review highlights the significance of second life batteries in addressing the challenges of energy storage, emphasizing their potential for cost-effective and eco-friendly alternatives by repurposing retired electric vehicle batteries. These batteries, with decreased capacity for automotive use, still retain energy storage capabilities, making them ideal candidates for secondary applications. Furthermore, the study delves into the development of a State of Health (SoH) model, crucial for assessing battery performance and longevity. The proposed SoH model aims to predict the SoH of batteries and enables the identification of optimal storage and cycling conditions. Through analysis and simulation, this research aims to determine the effective operating parameters, ensuring enhanced efficiency and prolonged lifespan of second life batteries in energy storage applications.

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