"The Event" by Michael R. Ray Sr

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Music



Major Professor

Andrew L. Sigler

Committee Members

Andrew L. Sigler, Nathan Fleshner, Jon Hamar


In completion of my thesis project for a master’s degree in music composition, I will be writing, recording, videoing, and editing an original 60-minute musical. The musical, entitled “The Event,” is a musical and philosophical exploration of humanity’s relationship with its home planet. Through a series of thematically related vignettes, the musical orbits a single question: if humans were trapped on Earth, would our behavior change?

Giving us a throughline in the discussion of the ensuing questions is our narrator, a kind of “every man” representing different facets of the human/planet relationship. Through his involvement in each song, we aim to elicit hope, loss, conflict, confusion, frustration, irony, doom, and regret.

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