"The maternal figure symbolizes stability and continuity in the novels " by Razan A. Naseb

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Nancy Henry

Committee Members

Nancy Henry, Mary Papke, Anthony Welch


This study delves into the intricate mother-daughter dynamics and societal critiques in George Eliot's 'The Mill on the Floss,' focusing on the Tulliver women's battle within a patriarchal society. It vividly portrays how Maggie Tulliver's emotional and intellectual needs are overshadowed by Mrs. Tulliver, who places social status and financial security above all, mirroring the deeply ingrained gender norms of their time. The research argues that the novel's exploration of women's confined roles and the enduring influence of maternal figures still strikes a chord, tackling timeless issues of gender and familial relations.

Through the stark contrast between Maggie's rich inner life and her mother's preoccupation with appearances and social standing, Eliot brings to the fore the isolation and hurdles women encounter in asserting their individuality. The thesis posits that Mrs. Tulliver's treatment of Maggie reflects her entanglement in unresolved societal expectations, perpetuating the constraints she is ensnared. The analysis uncovers a poignant irony in Mrs. Tulliver's adherence to patriarchal standards, reinforcing the novel's critical stance on Victorian gender limitations and their enduring relevance.


I missed addressing Dr. Mary correctly.

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