"Effects of Repeated Reading with a Reader's Theater Approach on First " by Allison M. Murray

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Teacher Education

Major Professor

Zoi A. Traga Philippakos

Committee Members

Jennifer Jordan, Stergios Botzakis, Samantha Cooper


Reading fluency is a critical skill to acquire to advance reading achievement in elementary grades and beyond. The purpose of this study was to determine how a reading fluency intervention using repeated reading methods influences first graders’ oral reading fluency, prosody, and comprehension. Participants were 21 students from a first-grade classroom (n = 9 male, 12 female) in a suburban school. The study was based on action research with the teacher engaging in educational practices and reflection. Students took part in a fluency intervention using Reader’s Theater scripts from the adopted curriculum at the school. Assessments examined accuracy, prosody, retelling, comprehension, and reading motivation. Analysis was based on paired-sample t-tests. Results found that students’ reading rate and accuracy increased significantly, as well as their responses to retelling. Students’ prosody, responses to comprehension questions, and motivation did not show significant effects.

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