Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Daniel B. Koch

Committee Members

Michael Roberts, Herbert P. Neff


This thesis is based on a research project involving the conversion of manual test procedures to automated ones. It investigates the motivating factors for automated testing, its benefits and disadvantages of implementing such a system. Since, the testing was to be executed on televisions, the fundamental theory of television operations is presented. Furthermore, the graphical code development environment as it applies to this research project is analyzed. Advantages and disadvantages of using LabVIEW with pioneering software engineering principles is also discussed. The thesis then bridges theoretical principles with practical applications by escorting the reader through developed code. Instructions for the logic and functionality are also presented. Finally, manual testing time results are compared to their automated counterparts to provide an assessment of time savings and ultimate cost reduction.

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