Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

Denise Ford Jackson


This study has re-designed the traditional system development process by addressing its lack of efficiency, effectiveness, and quality in analysing, designing, and delivering information systems to its customers. A strategic approach to information systems analysis and design has been created. This approach involves strategies such as organizational planning of information strategies, research of business processes and the role of information systems, business process re-design/re-engineering along with information technology, and design of new information system for the re-designed processes through prototyping. The majority of the problems arising due to the lack of users and IS personnel communication have been addressed by incorporating techniques such as Joint Requirements Planning and Joint Application Design. A new way of documenting business processes and their information flow has been implemented within the development process in the form of process models. This approach has been structured as a strategic development process model and therefore has identified the Focus, Objectives, Enablers, Critical Factors, and Tool Support for each phase of analysis and design of information systems.

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