Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Beverly Moser

Committee Members

Carolyn Hodges, Chauncey Jeff Mellor


This paper examines the complexity of language in four articles from the German publication Der Spiegel. Two of these articles are from the field of business and two are from the field of humanities. These features can be understood through a knowledge of verb valence, which reveals the structure of German verbs and uncovers its nuances. Through a valence-based approach, this paper demonstrates ways in which complex syntax, free adjuncts, nominalizations, verb noun combinations, and functional verb constructions contribute to language complexity. Other elements of complex language such as compound nouns and metaphorical uses of nouns are also discussed. Although a knowledge of valence does not account for language complexity in its entirety, a valence approach is useful in understanding complex language in relation to its verbs.

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