Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

D. B. Koch

Committee Members

Herbert P. Neff, M. J. Roberts


This study was conducted in the area of automated testing. The purpose was to develop algorithms to perform automated RF Sensitivity and Airplane Flutter tests on NTSO televisions. In addition, an instrument driver for the HP 11759D Dynamic Ghost Simulator was developed. All of these programs were created using LabVIEW. The RF Sensitivity test algorithm was developed using a methodology known as Cleanroom Software Engineering (CSE). The Airplane Flutter test algorithm was developed using an adapted form of CSE (CSE-A) for graphical programming. The Ghost Simulator driver was developed using design techniques invented by National Instruments. Compared to manual procedures, the implementation of these algorithms resulted in considerable savings in time and increase in productivity. In addition, data collection and logging was done more efficiently and accurately than in the manual processes.

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