Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Bruce A. Ralston

Committee Members

Thomas L. Bell, Cheng Liu


Developing computational routines to translate geographic data for use in a Geographic Information System (GIS) is a fundamental and necessary function. This thesis presents computation routines that translate geographic information in a generic ASCII format into an Intergraph MicroStation Standard Interchange File Format called a MicroStation 32 design file. The translated data can be used in Micro Station's Modular GIS Environment(MGE) software package. These routines translate point, line, and polygon data into a design file containing graphic elements with attribute linkages. The research for this thesis included using and understanding the Oracle Relation Database Management system, C programming language, Intergraph's MicroStation and Modular GIS Environment software, and MicroStation 32 Standard Interchange File Format structure. The translation routines were developed to solve a data distribution problem for the Federal Highway Administration. The FHWA distributes a wide range of transportation-related geographic databases. The translation of these databases, most notably the National Highway Planning Network, into MicroStation MGE will allow MGE users to analyze and solve many transportation-related issues using a Geographic Information System.

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