Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Charles E. Caudill

Committee Members

Paul Ashdown, James Crook


The role of Patrick F. McManus in the genre of outdoor journalism is examined. Methods and procedures included a biographical study; a personal interview with the subject; an analysis of the critical reception to his work; and an analysis of his literary style. The findings include: that McManus' childhood lifestyle prepared him for his success as a writer; that while McManus is opinionated, he works diligently to avoid controversial topics, including those about which he has strong opinions; that McManus has enjoyed a largely positive reception from book critics; and that McManus now stands alone in his position in a niche as a monthly humor columnist for a Big Three outdoor magazine. Despite his protestations against the classification of his work, McManus must be classified as an outdoor humor writer. Still, McManus' ability — consistently and with high quality — to marry everyday human foibles and the outdoors in his work has led to his role as an ambassador from the sporting outdoors to the rest of the world, while retaining the outdoor enthusiasts themselves as the base of his audience. A complete bibliography of McManus' published works is included in an appendix.

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