Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Daniel B. Koch

Committee Members

Herbert P. Neff, Mike J. Roberts


Automated testing of TV sets in industry is suggested as a solution to the currently inefficient testing method, manual testing. To implement this system, a computer (Sun Sparcstation 10, Macintosh or PC) is connected via a GPIB bus (or serial connection) to the necessary test equipment (e.g., generators, analyzers, switches and controllers). A graphical program using LabVlEW software is installed on the computer terminal. Code is developed with this LabVIEW software for each instrument to communicate with that instrument during testing. The Cleanroom Process for developing error-free code is adopted in this research. The code from the early stage of the development is integrated with the code which is developed in later stages to form a fully functioning automated testing system. Once this system is developed, an operator may choose from various test categories in order to perform the desired tests. This research also discusses the user interface and help menus which aid an inexperienced operator throughout testing. The code for the Horizontal and Vertical Resolution Test is described which controls the desired GPIB instruments and records the computerized test data for TV sets. The test data can be printed on paper or saved on the hard disk of the computer. The data generated by each test can be used to determine and to compare the performance of a TV set to other manufacturers' sets. Automated testing has certainly been shown to reduce cost, reduce labor and reduce testing time.

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