Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Bruce A. Ralston

Committee Members

Thomas Bell, Cheng Liu


Geographic Information Systems (GISs) are excellent platforms for managing and analyzing transportation data. However, there are a tremendous number of different problem-specific transportation models being used today, and they often require specific data structures and data types which commercial GISs do not readily support. It is not feasible for commercial GISs to include all the analytical models being used for transportation analysis; therefore, it is often necessary for users to integrate their own problem-specific models within GISs. This thesis examines some major issues regarding transportation analysis within GISs, and develops an approach for porting transportation models across GIS platforms and integrating them within GISs. In particular, this thesis shows how the Highway Traffic Forecasting System (HTFS) was ported from TransCAD, a DOS based GIS, and integrated with Arc/Info GIS on a Unix workstation. The study presents the procedures used to port HTFS, and explains the software routines developed to manage the data flow and create the data structures required by HTFS. In addition, the development of a comprehensive graphical user interface, and HTFS's use within Arc/Info, is presented.

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