Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

R. D. Kimberlin

Committee Members

F. G. Collins, C. T. Paludan


The purpose of ES-3A Developmental Test phase HID (DT-IIID) was to quantify technical mission systems characteristics, identify performance deficiencies based on Military Standards and Military Specifications, and determine whether the design and production characteristics of the integrated ES-3A Mission Avionics System (MAS) operating with Fleet Issue (FI) 2 mission software met the Tactical Electronic Warfare and Reconnaissance (TEW&R) mission requirements. The test and evaluation criteria for the ES-3A and associated mission avionics were based on specific parameters within various Military Specifications and Standards and the ES-3A Test and Evaluation Master Plan. The author of this thesis served the role as Lead ES-3A Systems Engineer for the Department of the Navy. The duration of the evaluation encompassed one full year, from 15 January 1993 through 28 January 1994, and included 75 flights totaling 268.7 flight-hours and over 1,500 ground testing hours. Specific evaluations performed and contained within this report include the following: Link-11 System; Communications System; Navigation System; Crew-Systems (Hinnan Factors); OR-263 FLIR System; AN/APS-137 Radar System; and electronic support measures systems. During this phase of DT-IIID testing five enhancing characteristics were identified and should be incorporated in future ES-3A designs: C-11984/ARC AN/ARC-182 control head installed in place of the currently used C-10319/ARC ARC-182 control, which provides the ES-3A with the jam-resistant HAVE QUICK line-of-sight voice communications capability with the carrier battle group; the AN/ARC-156/206 Satellite Communications (SATCOM) system which provides the ES-3A with clear two-way over-the-horizon secure voice communications capability; incorporation of the AN/ARC-182 No. 1 Backup Communications Controller (BUCC) ; the accessibility and ease of utility of mission information layout via the software interface; and the ability of the computer system to recover from power transients and power faults after software has been loaded. A total of 42 significant deficiencies were identified and documented with amplifying data, mission impact, and proposed recommendations. During DT-IIID testing the ES-3A, using FI 2 mission software, demonstrated a substantial and significant improvement in the ES-3A's overall mission capability. FI 2 mission software adds significant new capabilities to the current ES-3A with the on-line operation of the MAS that could not be accessed with FI 1 mission software or controlled off line. FI 2 mission software corrects and/or improves a number of FI 1 software limitations. Hardware corrections to be implemented in future engineering change proposals will be required to utilize Link-11, SATCOM and the ARC-182 No. 1 BUCC. Link-11, and AN/ALR-76 will require additional mission software improvements to enable the ES-3A to reach its full TEW&R potential. Specifically, the Link-11 system, while operational, is extremely operator intensive and should be improved in a subsequent mission software release. During DT-IIID the ES-3A met or exceeded all criteria set forth in the Test and Evaluation Master Plan. The ES-3A weapon platform performance utilizing FI 2 mission software exhibited excellent potential to successfully perform the TEW&R mission and will be fully satisfactory upon correction of the Part I deficiencies. With the continued implementation of Operational Safety Improvement Programs and development of new life-cycle mission software, the ES-3A will become an invaluable asset to carrier battle groups, joint commanders, and national policy advisors as an intelligence collection and exploitation platform. It is recommended the ES-3A proceed to fleet squadrons to enhance training, tactical development, and further development of the overall MAS.

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