Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

D. B. Koch

Committee Members

Herbert P. Neff, M. J. Roberts


This study develops automated nonlinear distortion measurement methods for NTSC televisions. The distortion measurements are the basis for further television refinements in a highly competitive product environment. Prior research developed manual methods for compiling distortion measurements and these methods have become standard industrial practice. However, manual measurement methods do not fulfill the need for timely performance information across a large number of competing models. Application of GPIB test equipment, LabVIEW design tools, and Cleanroom development disciplines automates the measurement process in a manner compliant with industrial standards. The automated measurement system and popular competitive analysis tools exchange information using a common data format. The study demonstrates that the application of automation to performance testing can produce distortion measurements compliant with industrial practice. The quantity and format of the measurements are substantially better than manual measurements permitting more effective analysis of competing models.

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