Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Thomas Hallam

Committee Members

Jerzy Dydak, Lou Gross


The clustering, or aggregation, of algal cells plays an important role in the dynamics of oceanic algal populations. A model of the algal aggregation process was presented by Ackleh, Hallam, and Smith (1994) for a specific phytoplankton species, diatoms. The model represents algal aggregation and several related factors including nitrogen levels, a predator population (zooplankton), and settling or sedimentation of aggregates. The purpose of the current study is twofold: 1) to decrease the time required for a simulation run, and 2) to create a more realistic, flexible mechanism for handling cell reproduction in which aggregates may increase in size due to reproduction of their constituent cells. It was found that these objectives necessitated other minor modifications in the modeling methodology.

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