Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Leonard Handler

Committee Members

Robert Wahler, Ronald Hopson


A new approach for systematically investigating standard Rorschach scoring determinants Shading, Texture, and Color is described. Each determinant in the original ten blots is isolated and accentuated using photo-manipulation computer techniques and an original hyperscripted software program, the "Rorschach Image Presenter" (RIP), which allows subjects to interactively alter each of the inkblots along these dimensions. Pre-computer imaging alterations of the inkblots, including the seminal early 1950s work of Earl Baughman, are reviewed in order to contextualize the present work. Seventy-one subjects sat for a regular administration of Rorschach's test, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation for Behavior (FIRO-B), and a session with the Rorschach Image Presenter program. The RIP Effect, where subjects diminish on-screen certain determinants according to select aspects of character, is discussed. The contention that Rorschach determinant research should be undertaken making better use of computer technology is supported.

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