Masters Theses


Vernon Mills

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

L. R. Deken

Committee Members

R. C. Engels, R. J. Schulz


This study was undertaken to develop a design code for the design of planar trusses employing the "Load and Resistance Factor Design" (LRFD) philosophy. The design code employs matrix methods of structural analysis combined with the LRFD design philosophy focusing on the limit states of strength. for structural integrity. The design aid features a personal computer program which evaluates a planar truss system to determine truss member forces, system deflections, restraint loading, and member size based on the failure mode criteria. The modes of failure investigated for axially loaded members include tension, compression, and buckling. The design code has the ability to optimize each truss member by minimization of member weight. Program stress and deflection analysis results are consistent with ANSYS®, a commercial finite element analysis program, thus benchmarking the accuracy of program solutions.

The computer program member sizing technique is consistent with the engineering philosophy of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) publication employing the ultimate strength analysis techniques described by the LRFD manual.

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