Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Resource Development

Major Professor

John Peters

Committee Members

Ralph G. Brockett, Roger M. Haskell


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between job dislocation and learning experiences among female textile workers. Learning experiences following dislocation were examined and relationships between learning experiences and role changes identified.

Qualitative methods of data collection and data analysis were used in the study. Ten women dislocated from the Kayser Roth Hosiery Mill in Harriman, Tennessee, were interviewed and a life story written for each. Changes in roles and learning experiences were identified for each individual. These changes were examined for themes relating to role changes and learning experiences.

Dislocation and subsequent retraining of dislocated workers were found to be related to both role changes and learning experiences. The study also found that relationships exist between learning experiences and role changes following dislocation.

This study supported the need for retraining of workers following their dislocation. Recommendations were also made for additional research regarding dislocated workers who have not participated in retraining.

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