Masters Theses


Amy Booher

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Recreation and Leisure Studies

Major Professor

Gene A. Hayes

Committee Members

Ken Krick, John Ray


This was a descriptive study for the purpose of examining the effects of hospital outings on anxiety levels of inpatients who had experienced a right cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Eight subjects diagnosed with a right CVA participated in the study. The subjects included 6 males and 2 females. All eight subjects received a doctor's order for a community re-entry outing. The instruments for data collection were the IPAT Anxiety Scale Questionnaire (referred to as the Self Analysis Form) and a demographic questionnaire. Administration of the questionnaires took place before and after participating in the outing. The results of the IPAT anxiety scale indicated 6 of the 8 subjects' anxiety level either decreased or stayed the same while 2 of the 8 subjects' anxiety level increased after participating in the hospital outings to the local malls. Based on the information, the data suggests that changes occur in anxiety levels of patients after participating in the hospital outings. The recommendations suggest future research on the relation between hospital outings and change in anxiety level.

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