Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

David Straight

Committee Members

Jeff Case, Gary Smith


This thesis develops a strategy for integrated network management on the University of Tennessee Medical Center’s Information Services Network (ISN). The major strategy employed was the exploration of the International Organi-zation for Standards (ISO) Network Management Forum’s definition of network management. This reference model was used as a guide to develop a strategy for the management of the ISN. This strategy was then examined by developing an application package named TRAPDMUX for fault management on the ISN. An analysis of the project was carried out revealing some interesting conclusions, and also exposing some areas in which more research and analysis needs to be performed. It was concluded that much work remains to be done in the area of integrated network management; The systems vendors need to continue to develop the man-ageability of their products. The standards bodies must continue to develop and expand the standards in order that the work of integrated network management can continue. Finally, the end users should continue to drive the quest for inte-grated network management.

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