Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Ralph D. Kimberlin


This research was intended to present a response to the need for air transportation for industries which have limited access to commercial scheduled air service by reason of their location. Data on available resources (airports and available air charter services) was acquired by field investigation and survey. Information on the travel characteristics and preferences of industries was acquired by mail survey. Using the data, cost comparisons between scheduled air service and charter air service were developed. An actual charter trip was made and described as an illustration of the comparison process. The results of the investigation indicated that under certain conditions charter services could be used at much lower cost. Total trip costs consisted of fare costs, related ground transportation costs, "time value" costs, and accommodations costs. The conditions which produced charter service cost savings were identified and reported. Since charter air services can enhance the community business climate and can create growth in aviation activity at the same time, it was concluded that a regional charter marketing effort, if aggressively implemented, could have a significantly beneficial economic impact.

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