Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

James H. Miller

Committee Members

Wayne Mulkey, Jack Cassell


This study discussed the hiring trends and training needs of case managers that provide case management services to individuals with disabilities in order to hasten the return to work process. The definition of case management used is in this study is as follows:

Case Management is a collaborative process which assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the options and services to meet an individual's health care needs, using communication available resources to and promote quality, cost-effective outcomes (Mullahy, 1995, p.9).

A sample population was taken from the directories of the National Association of Rehabilitation Professionals. in the Private Sector and the Case Management Society of America. The sample population was 148 and there was a return rate of 55.4%.

There was not a considerable difference between the hiring of nurse case managers and rehabilitation counselors to provide case management services. There was a difference, however, in the percevied need for additional training for nurse case managers and for rehabilitation counselors. Respondents reported that nurse case managers needed additional training in job analysis, counseling, and job modifications. additional training accommodations and Rehabilitation counselors needed in medical knowledge, job accommodations and modifications, pathology of diseases, and job analysis.

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