Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Cecilia Zanetta


This study examines the effects of the regulatory and decision-making processes on local environmental protection by exploring the case study of the Turkey Creek Wetlands, a development/environmental decision in Knoxville, Tennessee. This case study involves the proposal for a road through the largest, high quality wetland in Knox County, which is located in a congested, high-growth area of the county. The primary influences on the case study from the regulatory process are a lack of responsibility at the local level, which results in a lack of public awareness that the decision was made, as well as a lack of potential local compromise options. The local power issues which were prominent in the study were in the use of power which occurred before the formal decision-making process which resulted in a non- decision, a lack of information to the public, and the acceptance of a project without solid facts. Controversies such as the Turkey Creek Wetlands can be minimized through local responsibility in environmental planning, and other possible measures of local responsibility.

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