Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

E. J. Kennedy

Committee Members

T. V. Blalock, J. M. Rochelle


The basis of this thesis is centered around the performance characterization of an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) called the ATA chip (AMU TAC ADC) before and after irradiation. A variety of tests are performed to describe the capabilities of this device, including Integral Non-Linearity, Differential Non-linearity, noise, and gain. Discussions of how tests are performed and how the hardware was implemented is given. In addition to performance concerns, a method of reducing various types of input pedestals is introduced and evaluated. Also, some statistics resulting from a fabrication run by Orbit Semiconductor 1.2μ N-Well CMOS process of about 2700 devices is presented.

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