Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

James H. Miller

Committee Members

Robert F. Kronick, Susan M. Benner


This is a qualitative narrative study which looks at the effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury on the family, from an autobiographical viewpoint. My sister, at age nineteen, suffered a severe Traumatic Brain Injury which changed not only her life but the lives of everyone in my family. I relate the immediate effects of the trauma along with the long term rehabilitation process that followed, with emphasis on her re-entry to the home and our family’s unpreparedness for that transition. Eight and one-half years later, my family continues to bear the consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury due to the lack of education and family counseling. From a first hand viewpoint, this study makes recommendations to families of Traumatic Brain Injury victims and to professionals in rehabilitation who work with the families.

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