Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Ronald Hopson

Committee Members

Robert Wahler, Wes Morgan


The purpose of this study is to investigate Teenage Behavior at Shopping Malls. The development of malls has increased along with the growth in the number and kinds of leisure activities they offer. It is not at all unusual for malls to include movie theaters, hair salons, car shows, food courts, art exhibits and dental offices. Teenagers find the numerous activities at the malls attractive and malls provide a place for them to hang out with friends in an unstructured environment away from direct supervision. This study investigates Teenage Behavior and ways in which teens socialize at the mall. The study includes 41 subjects (16 males and 25 females) who were asked to fill out a questionnaire pertaining to the frequency of visits to malls and their interactions with others. Subjects also were asked questions regarding interpersonal relationships, such as exchange of phone numbers and involvement in conflict. Results of the study show that over half of the subjects (64%) reported traveling to the mall one or more times per week. Friday and Saturday were viewed as the most popular days to go to the mall with the most popular reason for going to the mall being to hang out with friends.

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