Masters Theses


Kirk Peterson

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Performance and Sport Studies

Major Professor

Craig A. Wrisberg

Committee Members

Patricia A. Beitel, Kathleen deMarrais


The purpose of this investigation was to examine the perceptions of psychological momentum by female competitive swimmers. The study involved Four elite NCAA Division I swimmers, who were national qualifiers. Two were sprinters and two were distance swimmers. A qualitative research technique was used that involved a semi-structured phenomenological format which allowed for each participant to discuss their perceptions of a swim where nothing went wrong and everything seemed to click or just happen. The initial interview lasted approximately sixty minutes and a follow-up interview lasted approximately thirty minutes. Qualitative analysis revealed several emerging themes pertaining to psychological momentum that included: (a) the use of mental plans, and (b) a sensation of flying or unconscious effort.

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