Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

A. K. Ananthanarayan

Committee Members

James Thelin, Samuel Burchfield


In completing this thesis which took just a small segment of my life, so many people contributed to the work by assisting and encouraging me. I am most thankful to Dr. Ravi Krishnan, committee chairman, who provided me the opportunity to excel. You have been integral in the most rewarding experience of my life to date, and my most humble thank you cannot convey the deep appreciation I have for your patience, support, and friendship. You have truly been my "guru" by training me to think analytically.

To my thesis committee, thank you for guiding me through an invaluable learning experience. From the onset to the end, you have always kept my best interest in mind. To Dr. James Thelin, I hope I have finally made the contribution we so often discussed. I can only aspire to develop a fraction of the work ethic you possess. To Dr. Samuel Burchfield, thank you for your moral support throughout this project. Your pats on the back are a simple act which capture the spirit of what makes this department such a special place to be.

A special note of appreciation to my fellow students for their constant encouragement. The support system you provided cannot be overstated. I doubt I will ever have so many people pulling for me again. I am proud to call you my friends. It has been a long trip with many trials and tribulations, but we did it! You are all truly unique and outstanding individuals. I am very fortunate to have crossed paths with each of you. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. To Matt Buehler, my thesis compadre, thank you for allowing me to use you as a sounding board. It has been essential to have a peer who can relate to the twists and turns of this process.

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