Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

R. B. Richards

Committee Members

Ralph Kimberlin, Frank Collins, Ted Paludan


This research attempted to consolidate most of the variables and considerations required when conducting a major Engineering, Manufacturing and Development (EMD) flight test program. Specifically, this research concentrated on performance testing of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, in which the author was a test pilot. The F/A-18E/F is a massive upgrade to the current F/A- 18C/D, a fighter/attack aircraft used by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and several foreign militaries. This upgrade incorporates an aircraft which is 25% larger, with new and modified control surfaces, new engines, completely new flight control laws, two additional weapons stations, survivability enhancements, and highly modified electrical, hydraulic, and fuel systems. The EMD flight test program consists of seven flight test aircraft and will cover a period of three years. At the time of writing this paper, the program is only in its first year of flight test. Each flight test aircraft was specifically built to accomplish specific types of flight testing. The performance/propulsion flight test aircraft is the second F/A-18E/F built and flown, referred to as E2. The aircraft is highly instrumented specifically for obtaining performance and propulsion flight test data. The intricate test plans, flight test hazards, and massive personnel and logistical support required for each test flight are presented in order to identify the multiple aspects of EMD flight testing. In addition, test points flown and results (at the time of writing) are presented. EMD flight test programs for major military acquisition programs are few and far between due to the expense of modern military aircraft. This research has hopefully provided some insight to the conduct of such a program. The analysis and conclusions are the author's and not the U.S. Government's or the Naval Air Warfare Center's.

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