Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Carolyn R. Hodges


This study analyzes the differences and similarities found in Theodor Storms main character of his Novelle Der Schimmelreiter (1888), Hauke Haien, and Friedrich Nietzsches Übermensch (Overman) in Also, sprach Zarathuai--ra (1883-84) . Both of these works are considered to be extensive expressions of the views of the authors on the role of the individual in modern society. In addition to these primary sources, additional primary literature was examined in order to establish backround information on the two authors and their topics. In Storm's case several poems were added to the research to further show the development of ideas regarding the role of the individual in society. In Nietzsche's case letters to friends and family are used to give the backround information on his development of philosophical ideas that eventually led up to the solution offered by him in Also, sprach Zarathustra. The analysis of Nietzsche's philosophy focuses on the specific time frame between 1880-1885 to give a more concise description of Nietzsche's conception of the Übermensch. Jost Hermand's article "Hauke Haien: Ein gründerzeitlicher Übermensch?" and an article by Ingrid Schuster are used as a starting points for the research presented in this study, but the analysis in this thesis goes beyond the findings offered by Hermand and Schuster. While a comparison is made of works written during a specific time frame in the career of the authors discussed, this thesis treats religious, social, and philosophical influences which affected the views of the two authors throughout their lives.

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