"A thematic analysis of published responses by three newspapers to Viet" by Robin L. Hardin

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Edward Caudill

Committee Members

Candace White


This study was a thematic analysis of published responses in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post concerning Vietnam and press issues during the Persian Gulf War. All types of articles were examined for themes pertaining to Veitnam and press issues. Editorials, news stories, news analyses and columns were all examined in the process of gathering the data. Vietnam and press issues were very much on the mind of journalists and the press during the war, and these themes appeared throughout the time frame of the study. Journalists were somewhat shocked at the restrictions placed on them during the war, but this should have come as no surprise considering the way the press had been treated in the two previous military conflicts leading up to the Persian Gulf War. Vietnam and the Vietnam syndrome were on the minds of the military and the rest of the country and many allusions to Vietnam appeared in the news. The military may have a case for censorship considering the only war where censorship was not imposed, Vietnam, was the only war the United States lost. With technology so advanced, information can practically by transmitted anywhere in the world in seconds, and information may need to be safeguarded by the military to prevent aiding the enemy.

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