Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Bruce Whitehead

Committee Members

Dinesh Mehta, Al Pujol


One neural networking design technique for the prediction of nonlinear time-series implements two primary computational components, vector quantization and function approximation. A "Neural Gas" network which uses this design technique has reportedly produced superior prediction results of time-series. This research evaluates the effectiveness or influence of each component of the Neural Gas network by substituting other reputable methods of vector quantization and approximation for those of the Neural Gas network. The substitute quantization component is the Generalized Learning Vector Quantizer. The substitute approximation component is Radial Basis Functions. Results of this research indicate the approximation component of the Neural Gas network contributes most to the excellent prediction results. The prediction results from the substituted components versus the Neural Gas components are discussed.

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