Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Paul Ashdown

Committee Members

Ed Caudill, Rosalind Gwynne


This work is the first annotated bibliography of scholarly sources specifically about the media of North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya) published in English. It deals with the period from 1980 to September 1995. Although other bibliographies have included some works on North African media, none have concentrated on North African media either exclusively or in detail. This work consists of an essay on North African media; an annotated bibliography of selected scholarly sources and a bibliography of selected popular sources on North African media; and an essay that discusses the sources cited in the annotated bibliography, provides suggestions for future research in this field, and gives research advice. The bibliography, which includes 117 scholarly sources on the media of North Africa, is especially intended to be of use to those researching North African media. However, it will, in many cases, be relevant to those researching North African politics or history and to those researching African, Arab, or international media, politics, or history as well.

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