Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Ronald H. Peterson

Committee Members

Karen Hughes, Ed Schilling


Pleurotus djamor (Fr.) Boedijn is a widespread tropical to subtropical species complex. This complex has been given many names based primarily on the color of the pileus and geographic origin of the collection. Three distinct basidiome morphologies have been described: 1) off-white, tan to pallid olive; 2) pink; 3) gray fibrillose. Collections representing these forms fruited in the laboratory indicate that these forms overlap even within a single collection. Intercollection crosses were performed to determine sexual compatibility (= dikaryotization) between collections. Results indicate universal compatibility between all morphotypes. Fruiting of these hybrid dikaryons was successful, indicating universal interfertility among these forms over diverse geographic locations. Macro- and micro- morphological characters were examined and phenetic trees of relationships within this group were created. No clear and consistent phenetic differences were discovered among collections by geography or color morph indicating a high degree of morphological overlap. Based on these criteria all color morphs should be considered to be part of a single taxon P. djamor.

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