Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Michael Benson

Committee Members

Sherry Cable, Donald Hastings


Previous research on environmental concern has focused primarily on the sociodemographic and ideological attributes of respondents. Past research has ignored cognitive factors in predicting levels of environmental concern. This thesis partially replicates a study conducted by William R. Freudenburg, which focused on a phenomenon that he coined recreancy: "the failure of institutional actors to carry out their responsibilities with the degree of vigor necessary to merit the societal trust they enjoy."

Data for this study were collected via a random sample telephone survey of residents in an eight county area surrounding, and including, Oak Ridge, Tennessee; a designated Superfund site. The results suggest that the recreancy perspective is more important in explaining environmental concern than sociodemographic and ideological variables, so heavily studied in past research. Therefore, it is important that measures of recreancy be included in future research of environmental concern.

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