Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Paul Barrette


In the early Middle Ages in France, the concept of heroism was embodied in the saints because their courage and their high ideals placed them above the rest of humanity. The saints accomplished feats considered heroic in nature, such as working miracles or living extraordinary lives, because whatever could not be explained by man was, in these times of faith, believed as belonging to higher powers. It was possible, however, for ordinary men to attain a higher state of life by choosing to follow the way, sometimes subtle yet always extraordinary of Christian heroism or holiness. We thus see how mortals like us, whose names were Leger, Alexis, Brendan, Marguerite, Nicolas, Thomas, Marie, Roland and Gilles illustrated, each in his or her own way, this concept of heroism.

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