Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Jesse Poore


This thesis is a case study of statistical usage testing. Usage testing is a method in which the software usage is modeled and test cases are generated based on this model. As demonstrated by the Adams [1][4] data, and Mills’ analysis of this data [2], usage testing has a 30 to 1 advantage over code coverage testing in reducing mean time to failure. Model-based testing also produces many statistics based on the model and test results, one of which is an estimate of reliability, something impossible to achieve with code-coverage testing. Model-based testing relies on the development of a specification-based software usage model. Since this model is driven by the software specifications, it may be developed before or in parallel with the software. A usage model was developed for the Material Safety Datasheet System (MSDS) and analysis of the model led to change in the specification and test plan. Test cases were generated from the model and used to certify the system.

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